Declaration in accordance with §5 of the Austrian E-Commerce Act (ECA) and §25 Austrian Media Act
Österreichische Vereinigung für Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit,
Verein zur Förderung der Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit
Reichsratsstraße 11/11
A-1010 Vienna, Austria
ZVR 791071992
T: +43 650 9539617
Executive Board: Mag. Anne-Karin Grill, M.A., FCIArb (President), Mag. Philipp A. Peters (Vice-President)
Association purpose: Promotion of national and international arbitration
Editorial Policy: This website is addressed to people with a professional or academic interest in matters of international arbitration. Its content is intended to promote the event “Vienna Arbitration Days” as well as the provision of information on this event.
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